How to Change Your Company’s Registered Address in Thailand: A Practical Guide

Change Company Address Thailand

Business Relocation in Thailand Sometimes, the need arises to relocate your business in Thailand. Whether it’s for better market access, operational efficiency, logistical considerations, or other strategic reasons, changing your company’s registered address is a key step in the process. … Read more

Entering Thai Retail Business: Key Legal Considerations

Thai retail market entry

Understanding the Foreign Business Restrictions In Thailand, the Foreign Business Act (FBA) establishes significant restrictions for foreign businesses. This includes defining ‘foreigners’ as both foreign individuals and legal entities, as well as entities in Thailand where foreigners own the majority … Read more

How to Obtain Incentives from the Thailand Board of Investment (BOI)


The Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) The Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) is a leading government organization aimed at stimulating investments in Thailand. The BOI offers various tax and non-tax incentives and preferences to Thai and foreign companies in accordance … Read more